Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Is of the essence?

Obvious. I have the worst time management then anyone that I know of. Remembering the days of undergraduate studies at SDSM&T and how I managed my time during this endeavor, doesn't ease the fact that I haven't learned jack shit when it comes down to what is important in life. A classic example is how I went about earning the grades that I did. If I had put as much motivation into the work as I did in trying to make excuses not to do it, things would be a lot different then they are now. I would probably be doing better in my graduate studies or at least have a job; however, I am sucking at graduate studies (nothing really has changed, still unmotivated to put for the effort to obtain anything decent) and I haven't yet found a job.

Reminiscing about the times of ol' is something that I find quite soothing in helping me coupe with what issues I am dealing with. There are those people that I found to be great influences during my undergraduate studies. Several of whom, probably do not know on how the influenced me and some that could probably care less.

Andy, taught me to have a little compassion for life (even though, I still can't be as compassionate as he is towards people). Andy was one of the most motivated friends I had the pleasure of making. He never wasted much time, strived for the best, and dealt with the issues that came about in a the best possible manor.

Pat, your odd sense of humor was something that was interesting. I think your greatest attribute was your ability to show dignity and stand for what/who you are. Through all the crap I gave you about being a Civil Engineer, you turned around and gave me crap back.

Ben, honestly Ben... how do you trip over AIR? Your ability to find time in the absence of your motivation was peculiar to me; yet you were able to get things done.

Did I forget someone... ?

Has no bounds...

Not true. Time is bounded based on how you perceive it. If self relative, then time ends when you do (depending on religious beliefs... lets just separate that from this discussion). If relative to some external point, then time is endless.

I find it strange on how some people can worry about the little time they have left, and completely forget about the time that they had. They tend to only focus on what they have not done, instead of what they have done. Life isn't defined as what we wish to accomplished, but on what we have accomplished. Living life to the fullest potential with little consideration on time, would make life worth living.


Okay... This is getting to be quite boring, I am sure (I wonder how many people actually read what I write). Here it is... Almost the end of the semester (about 3 weeks left) and I have accomplished nothing of importance. Nothing can be worse. Nothing, except the fact that after the semester ends, I begin a four week break of absolute BOREDOM.


At 4:38 AM, Blogger Patrick Wellner said...

Time... Ends ;) Ok, I had to add that (the whole time dialog was used in Farscape at least twice)

Josh, I have seen you motivated too. Not so much with school work but with different projects you've done on your own. Like the "super" battery backup. I can't explain or solve your motivation issues with school/job hunting, but I know you can become motivated. You just need to find the right "catalyst" for motivation ;)

Before I we graduated, I would never have guessed you'd end up in grad school. Even though, I didn't expect Cutler to end up in Mitchell or my self to spend a year in Washington either. But a master's degree might be what you need to get a job that gives you the kind of independence you need to show you creative side (in terms of [shudder] electrical engineering).

Well, good luck! Btw, how close are you to your masters?

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Josh Millard said...

IF everything goes right, I should be done in May. That is, IF classes are offered and I maintain a 'B'.


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