Sunday, September 24, 2006

Worst Weekend Ever !!!

Being a person of extremely bad luck, I am not surprised at the events that have happened this weekend. To start things off, my new laptop decided to go all to shit on me (go figure Dell XPS) on Friday after class. From the looks of it, the video card somehow had a over current and blew the power regulator and fried everything. So I had to get it to UPS by noon on Saturday.

On my way back from UPS, my car had a blow out and I was forced to change the tire to one of those shitty ass Mickey Mouse things. Pissed ofcourse, I went to the closest Pearless Tire Company to get it fixed and hopefully get my weekend moving in my direction. After returning to the dorms at campuss, I decided not to do anything else on Saturday and relax infront of the TV (yeah, I am a bum).

Sunday morning comes around at 4:30 (was unable to sleep). I decide to take a drive to the southern hills and take a walk. This was actually something good for me to do after the weeks events. I end up climbing up this to this rocky projection in an area that gave me a great view of the hills and just sat there for well over 3 hours. It is nice to get out and do this at times and will be something I will miss when I leave this place.

No distractions, no people being rude, just nature. After about 10 hours of being in complete solitude, I decided to head back and get some grub (food). Ofcourse, its Sunday so I head to Subway and pick up lunch and dinner for a nice price.

On my way back to campuss, I am damned again with car issues. This time, my radiator blows and lights up my Check Engine light. If I knew any better, it would seem that this car wants to rid itself of me.

So. I have no laptop, a car that is trying to tell me something. Where the hell is the good news? Well, there is none. However, there will be a Simpsons Movie.


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