Wednesday, November 22, 2006

TV Commercials.

For those of you that find browsing the internet as a cure for boredom, consider browsing YouTube. There are some quite... interesting, commercials that can be found.

Such as, this one. Now, don't get me wrong. Garmin is a great company and produces great products. However, this commercial is by far... the strangest way of advertising your product. It is almost as bad as those put out by automotive industries. Very little information given about what they is to offer. Just that, if you are lost, buy a Garmin...

If you are ever interested in playing World of Warcraft, I suggest watching this great production. It will make you think twice about getting involved in something that is as 'addictive' as MMORPGs... But then, it could have its perks.

Maybe more to come... Will have to see.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.

Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.

The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit.


Is of the essence?

Obvious. I have the worst time management then anyone that I know of. Remembering the days of undergraduate studies at SDSM&T and how I managed my time during this endeavor, doesn't ease the fact that I haven't learned jack shit when it comes down to what is important in life. A classic example is how I went about earning the grades that I did. If I had put as much motivation into the work as I did in trying to make excuses not to do it, things would be a lot different then they are now. I would probably be doing better in my graduate studies or at least have a job; however, I am sucking at graduate studies (nothing really has changed, still unmotivated to put for the effort to obtain anything decent) and I haven't yet found a job.

Reminiscing about the times of ol' is something that I find quite soothing in helping me coupe with what issues I am dealing with. There are those people that I found to be great influences during my undergraduate studies. Several of whom, probably do not know on how the influenced me and some that could probably care less.

Andy, taught me to have a little compassion for life (even though, I still can't be as compassionate as he is towards people). Andy was one of the most motivated friends I had the pleasure of making. He never wasted much time, strived for the best, and dealt with the issues that came about in a the best possible manor.

Pat, your odd sense of humor was something that was interesting. I think your greatest attribute was your ability to show dignity and stand for what/who you are. Through all the crap I gave you about being a Civil Engineer, you turned around and gave me crap back.

Ben, honestly Ben... how do you trip over AIR? Your ability to find time in the absence of your motivation was peculiar to me; yet you were able to get things done.

Did I forget someone... ?

Has no bounds...

Not true. Time is bounded based on how you perceive it. If self relative, then time ends when you do (depending on religious beliefs... lets just separate that from this discussion). If relative to some external point, then time is endless.

I find it strange on how some people can worry about the little time they have left, and completely forget about the time that they had. They tend to only focus on what they have not done, instead of what they have done. Life isn't defined as what we wish to accomplished, but on what we have accomplished. Living life to the fullest potential with little consideration on time, would make life worth living.


Okay... This is getting to be quite boring, I am sure (I wonder how many people actually read what I write). Here it is... Almost the end of the semester (about 3 weeks left) and I have accomplished nothing of importance. Nothing can be worse. Nothing, except the fact that after the semester ends, I begin a four week break of absolute BOREDOM.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Aside from the normal.

Over the past few weeks, I have been nothing but bored and limited to the activities that I can partake in due to my current knee issue and not being able to drive. To remedy this, I have picked up where I have left off over about seven years ago, that being reading stories by H.P. Lovecraft, mainly focusing on Cthulhu Mythos.

For those that have played Warcraft I-III, World of Warcraft, or even the Diablo games from Blizzard Entertainment, might have some knowledge of the background of the literature on which these games where based from. Richard knaak, renowned author of the Dragonrelm Series wouldn't have even been able to have created some of the elements within the literature behind these games without the foundation that Lovecraft set. It was through Lovecraft's bestiary, that the creatures where established.

There are some that really dislike Lovecraft, due to his Necronomicon, where it is believed that Lovecraft was part of the occult. However, I find that he is a great read for those that are intersted in classic horror fiction.