Sunday, April 15, 2007

Beyond the grasps of sanity

I have been told that I am amongst the strange and unusual. I perceive things differently then a 'normal' person would. Then again, how does one define the normality of an individual. If you define the normal by what the average 20-30 year old college graduates would be doing, one would find that employment is the top priority. However, if an individual is not sure on what he wants in life, how can he find the right employment.

There are three options for the individuals that have no ambitions or idea on what they want to do with their life. Out of these three options, the number one thing that they do is conform. Conformity is worthless. It bends the mind of the individual to a predescribed mind-set that allows for nothing much of mind rotting, repetitive dribble. Nothing useful ever comes from conformity...

The second option for those with no defined plans in life is consumption. This can be a very interesting choice and really makes life seem to float away. Some say that consumption is bad... I disagree and say that a little consumption never hurt anyone. Give someone a drink, and soon enough they will loosen up their conformed ways and start to become something completely different. If you really want to get to know someone, the best way is over a select choice of beverage so that the conformity around clears and understanding can begin. Or you could just sink deep into a bottle by yourself until your ambitions have dried up and the life dream becomes nothing more then a void. Then there is the third and ever popular choice. The continuation of knowledge.

Knowledge sought for, is knowledge gained. What better way to solve life's misdirection then continuing to build a platform for which you can sell yourself on. That's right ladies and gents.... the pursuit of knowledge is a market for conformity. Once an individual finds that sweet dream of employment, the conform to that and to that society. Thus ending their gain of knowledge - or - maybe their ambitions to pursue knowledge will continue. It is true, that this choice does have two possible outcomes depending on the mindset of the individual.

If the individual is eager enough to continue gaining knowledge, then maybe his abilities to conform to the shit stain of the society of which he chooses will be slowed. In today's society, the working individual does not seek much knowledge beyond his prescribed routine of mindless ranter. It seems that once employed, they take it upon themselves to become more of a machine and do the bare minimum. This sociological degrading path will continue until those that desire not to conform and have the ambition to pursue knowledge take a stand and become more then just a blimp.

As for the choices I have made... its obvious to those that know me and that have known me that I do occasionally take the consumption path. However I also pursue the knowledge that will allow me to find the right decision in life.

Paulo Freire said it best with: "Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world."


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Patrick Wellner said...

so... foolhardiness or daring?


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