Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Updates are worthless, unless someone reads them.

Hey... not sure on how many people out there actually look at this blog, but whatever. Its my rants on the world... societal issues... and anything else that really pisses me off. Its not like you don't already know this... but life sucks. I mean, look at it this way. You are born, then once you turn five you are sent off to some institution of conformity. You continue your conforming to the society that these institutional abstracts want you to believe actually exists. What they fail to tell you early on is that you will ultimately fail at something in life. No where in our institutes of conformity are you taught about failure. Not only do you fail early on... but you don't learn from it. Only to start another part of this conformity at about the age of ten.

That's right... those nice pre high school years. Now... I am not going to say that those years were easier with then the first five or so. Hell... no information gained from those years really aided in the progression of that part of your life. If you think that it did, I guarantee that you are wrong. The only thing that would have benefited an individual is the standard education shit that could have been developed on your own. Who in the hell really needs to know who was which president or what war was fought when. Our history is just that... history. It sucks. Same with the science, math, and english courses prescribed.

The pre high school years were only a repeat of the prescribed education garbage to aid in the conformity to this picture perfect society that our instructors placed in our heads. There was no mention of failure... no mention of anything of the real life. If you wanted real life... you should have lived on the streets. Within these years, you were given the core education to get you through the next two or three years and prepare (yeah... using that lightly) you for the high school travesties. I am using prepare lightly since the only thing you were prepared for was on a prescribed educational basis... nothing more.

In high school there was some lax in the prescribed educational studies, if you were lucky. However, there were still the same issues that were present in the elementary and pre high school years. Most of the real life was learned through our societal cliques in this last stage of conformity before our desired post high school education.

This trend seems to stop as you enter your post high school institutions - or does it. We are still required to take a prescribed general education requirements to form us as individuals into perfect people in the work force. In all honesty... how in the fuck is history going to help in the work place if you are not interested or studying history for a damned career. The only benefit to the core general education required courses is to aid in the conformity process. They are there to slow down the efforts of obtaining a degree in a program that an individual wants to achieve. There is no substance to what to them.

You choose to go to some institution of higher learning, you should be able to determine what you want to do and what courses you want to take. There should be no forced requirements that only benefit the people that are getting the money for the courses. How many of you college graduates have used your general education requirements in the work force? Now I am not considering maths or sciences; however to some people they might be worthless, but for me they had something useful in them... mainly a thought process (depending on course... heh).

During the years that you spend in higher education institutes, you do develop some aspects of the real world. However, its not enough... there is only what you learn from the people you are around. That might be all that is needed... but to some, more is needed. Some people have trouble dealing with things like failure. I can say that a vast majority of the world will have a problem with failure. Whether this being failure in finding a career - or - failure in find and keeping a relationship. We don't know how to handle some of the real life issues.

Some people take into a different society... a digital society to find an answer to their ideal real life. Its not real... its fictitious. We seek out something that is easier to build the ideal in the the real world itself. Since our society is growing more technological, this will become ever more the case. As I see it... there is no current educational reform to take into count the digital society.

If you are one of those people that think that the digital society will never affect me... you might want to think about your stance again. The digital society as we know it, is so complex and misleading that there is no direct understanding on how it operates - or who operates it. You never know who you are talking to, who you are buying from... nothing is known except what is given to you in the form of text or pictures. However... the digital society still has the same issues as the real world.

Every person is vulnerable to the digital societal issues. You can get so caught up in a relationship that you start to merge real world with digital. It becomes something that affects those around you - more then you know. Inherently, there are more issues in a digital society then in the real world... mainly by how it is defined.

So... what have I stated in this rant. This long ass ranting about maybe nothing important at all? First off, I gave my position on educational reform as a must for anything. It has to be done, however its not the foresight of anything. These politicians that we elect are more interested in money then they are about our future in education. They are so caught up in the third parties - or in other fucking countries that it makes us as a nation look bad.

Secondly, I seeded your mind with the relation that our society as we see it, is actually two different societies. We have the real world (you get shot, you die - most likely), and the digital world (you could be talking to a guy, but he is posing as a woman!).

Have I accomplished anything? Probably not, but at least I wasted my time and your time now for reading this. Watch Foamy!


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Patrick Wellner said...

History is quite useful and important. Three points:
1. Learn from past mistakes.
2. History tends to repeat it self, see #1.
3. Civilization fell backwards during the dark ages because most documentation, history, data, information, etc. was either never recorded or destroyed with the fall of Rome.

A new dark age (yes, I am obsessed with it) would not be near as bad as that one, thanks to a much higher literacy rate among the world.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Arnold said...

History is awesome! It's true you CAN learn from history. For example, after a long and failed war trying to change a society halfway across the planet, you shouldn't try to attempt something like that again unless you are REALLY REALLY prepared, right? The reason we are failing in Iraq is because in my view we didn't learn from history. We had a distorted view of what would happen after Saddam went (rainbows of democracy spreading cheer and chocolate candies and warm fuzzies!), and totally mismanaged the followup of what was otherwise a well-executed war. People are DYING because of this. Anyway, I also think that we should ditch a lot of early educational curricula in favor of learning survival skills. Children at the age of ten or eleven should be dropped naked into the Alaskan wilderness and forced to survive through their own wits. We weed out the weaklings and become more like the Spartans!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Andy said...

As Scott Adams once said, "Once virtual reality is cheaper than dating, the human race is doomed."

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 3 basic human truths.

1. Everything anyone has ever done is selfish

2. We must feel special

3 We must hate

thusly wars will happen no matter what even if we do remember old wars.

the point of learning history is to make us easier to control by giving us a sense of pride in a group. and its easy to control people who are attached to a group all you have to do is change some rule in the group and everyone falls like dominoes thats why teamwork is stressed in almost every work place. its a tool to get people to loose there sense of individuality.


tom is getting screwed over at work

tom wants to say something but thinks it would be against the "team"

tom remains silent and continues to get raped up the ass by said company.

james's words of advice
just remember pride is a deadly sin for a REASON all it does is breed hate.

hmm i wish i could have went into further detail to convince you but this comment would turn into a book .


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