Sunday, September 24, 2006

Worst Weekend Ever !!!

Being a person of extremely bad luck, I am not surprised at the events that have happened this weekend. To start things off, my new laptop decided to go all to shit on me (go figure Dell XPS) on Friday after class. From the looks of it, the video card somehow had a over current and blew the power regulator and fried everything. So I had to get it to UPS by noon on Saturday.

On my way back from UPS, my car had a blow out and I was forced to change the tire to one of those shitty ass Mickey Mouse things. Pissed ofcourse, I went to the closest Pearless Tire Company to get it fixed and hopefully get my weekend moving in my direction. After returning to the dorms at campuss, I decided not to do anything else on Saturday and relax infront of the TV (yeah, I am a bum).

Sunday morning comes around at 4:30 (was unable to sleep). I decide to take a drive to the southern hills and take a walk. This was actually something good for me to do after the weeks events. I end up climbing up this to this rocky projection in an area that gave me a great view of the hills and just sat there for well over 3 hours. It is nice to get out and do this at times and will be something I will miss when I leave this place.

No distractions, no people being rude, just nature. After about 10 hours of being in complete solitude, I decided to head back and get some grub (food). Ofcourse, its Sunday so I head to Subway and pick up lunch and dinner for a nice price.

On my way back to campuss, I am damned again with car issues. This time, my radiator blows and lights up my Check Engine light. If I knew any better, it would seem that this car wants to rid itself of me.

So. I have no laptop, a car that is trying to tell me something. Where the hell is the good news? Well, there is none. However, there will be a Simpsons Movie.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Government and The Internet

I am not the most politically motivated person, unlike some of the people that I know. I really tend to stay out of politics and very seldom will I pay much attention to political moves. However, I do have my limits.

Since the creation of the Internet, there has always been individuals wanting to have some sort of government regulation on the newly developed mass interconnections between individuals that we call a network. These proposed regulations by these individuals have become of great concern for over the past decade, and will continue to become a concern. The idea that one government should control something as world wide as the Internet is completely mind-busting. Where does it say that the US will control everything the world does? Hell, don't we have enough problems created because of our governments inability to keep their own concerns.

Currently, the US basically controls the Internet DNS (Domain Name Systems). Several nations that are members of the UN want to strip the US of this control and form an international institution to regulate the internet. However, the Bush administration has stated that it would undermine the stability and reliability of the Internet.

The Bush administration not only wishes to control and regulate the Internet itself, but they wish to regulate the Internet Service Provider, ISP, and force them to preserve customer information. However, this will only result in the government's misuse of this information and in turn will be a step in violating customer privacy.

Allowing the government access to this information without any warrants for search/seizure would clearly be a violation of the peoples constitutional rights. This regulation proposed by the Bush administration would allow access to every Internet site that you have visited. Which in turn, can lead to financial information and other personal information that would not be obtainable without warrant.

It is appalling that the US government would even think about violating the constitutional rights of its people. It is my opinion that the US current has to much control over the Internet.

* Based on this little test, apparently I am strongly Libertarian.

** This Blog maintains the aspect of free speach as it is provided in the US Constitution. Being a citizen of the US, I have full rights to extend my opinions openly on whatever media I choose. Be it fact or fiction, free speech still applies in all its definition.

Instance of Insanity or Just Mental Fatigue.

I am currently in my last year of graduate school studying Electrical Engineering, Controls and Power Systems, when it dawns on me that I have to decide if I am going to go thesis or not. Now, this is nothing to be taken lightly as it basically sets the path for what you plan on doing further on in both professional and educational advances.

The difference between taking the thesis route and the class route is two credit hours, however the impact of taking the thesis route is extreme. Not only do you have to write the thesis, you have to be able to defend it. For those that know me, I can't defend and write worth a shit. If I take the class route, I still have to go into a course defense, which isn't easy either.

While I have been thinking about how I want to finish my masters program, I honestly have started to think why the fuck I started it in the first place. Why didn't I go out and get a job like all of my college friends? It seems like I have nothing really to gain from doing my masters degree. I'm not the most motivated person to go out and find a job and if I do get an interview, I tend to blow it somehow either by showing how unmotivated I am or stubble over the questions (quite literally).

If I take the thesis route, I have to find a project AND an advisor (you may have a project, but without an advisor, it doesn't mean dick and you have no chance of completing the thesis). I guess there is one benefit of doing a thesis over the course work and that is I can continue the thesis work while I am starting my professional future. However, that can't really be done with the course work since you are limited on the number of credit hours applied via independent studies.

In any case, I still have no clue what the hell I am going to do to finish my masters. For now, I will just concentrate on not fucking up and maintain my 3.0 GPA.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Essence of the Dreamer.

For those that have not read The Tell Tale Heart by Poe, I highly suggest you drop your minuscule life functions and read it. It is one of his best works (The Raven being his best in my opinion). I will not go into the details of the work, but will say that the title is self sufficient in the explanation; thus going into the title of this Blog, The Tell Tale Dreamer, is self explaining and needs nothing more then that. However, for those unable to read into titles and their meanings, I will indulge you in the not so hidden meaning of The Tell Tale Dreamer.

Sigmund Freud, founder of Freudian psychotherapy and considered to be one of the most influential people of the 20th century, believed that dreams are a disguised form of emotions buried in the subconscious. Freud’s belief lead to the Interpretation of Dreams as a form of uncovering the cause of emotional and mental distress in individuals; however, there are different types or classifications of dreams.

Dreams can be considered as the subconscious desire or needs of the individual and come to present themselves based on emotions of the past. Each dream contains different aspects of what our subconscious desires to have, thus these dreams contain our true emotions. Dreams contain a lot of information about an individual that if dreams could be analyzed, a true portrait of the individual could be formed reveling only truth.
I leave you now…

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Back in the Saddle....

Well sorta, updates will be coming as soon as I get motivated.